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Hello Jammers!I'm Nytefaerie and this is my blog I really hope you like it and continue to read on.Happy reading/exploring :3

Saturday, 18 August 2012

XD This is meh as Icymoon obviously -.- Anyways I dressed her up a a XD wolf with wings with magix coming from them o3o XD

Friday, 17 August 2012

Party time =3

My Friends Popsgirl306 and Sunny414391 Threw a party 4 me :-) idk y but it was very sweet of them :3

Friday, 3 August 2012

Scammer =.-

This person : Lonnie20 I am convinced she is a scammer.I mean...she wanted to try on mah silver glovc I was suspecting.....I let  her and she tookc off =.= good thing it was only a SILVER glove 0.0